
Best digital marketing tips for small businesses

Being a small business owner, taking advantage of digital marketing is the best way to get success without paying a higher price for the same. The barriers of entry into the marketplace get minimized with digital marketing as compared to traditional forms of marketing. Today, we are discussing some of the most effective tips related to digital marketing for small businesses.

Difference between digital marketing and content marketing

Content marketing and digital marketing are two different phrases that all marketers have heard in the online business. We have presented a detailed overview of both these kinds of marketing to help people understand which is the right strategy for your brand or business. The key difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is called ‘content marketing’.

Microsoft Ads update in 2021

In the past few months, Microsoft Ads has released many new and more attractive updates to enhance the performance of paid search efforts. Through this blog, we have tried to cover all the latest Microsoft ads updates and the launch of Automotive Ads, static headlines for Display Search Ads and Enhanced CPC and how it can help companies.

How to write ads copies that actually converts sales (2 Major mistakes to avoid)

Did you know that Facebook makes billions of money each quarter just with ad revenue? Numerous companies use Facebook ads ,to target their audience and get an edge against their competitors. Businesses creating dynamic ad copy can get more business. In fact, the success of the overall Facebook ad campaign is completely dependent on the copy you write and how well it resonates with your target audience.

ATL, BTL, AND TTL Activities in Marketing

Two of the most encouraging ways through which marketers conduct promotional activities include ATL MARKETING and BTL MARKETING. Marketers either advertise the product for the market as a whole or sometimes they target a particular segment of people. These kinds of marketing are broadly divided into two distinct categories including Above the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL) activities.

8 Best WordPress SEO Plugins

If you have designed a great WordPress site, and spent much time on writing the content, it’s time to start getting organic website traffic, do search engine optimization, which is important to gain visibility. SEO is a continuous process, and WordPress has many resources to make it easy.

What is digital-marketing?

Business over the past many years have witnessed tremendous changes and the way customers are approached has revamped. It is important to use the best Digital marketing services that help improve your business. The more you make your brand accessible, the more customers you will be able to have.